Sunday, 18 July 2010

Does our image of God always have to be male?

We read in the first book of the bible - Genesis that "God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created him".

All the way through the bible there are descriptions of God as compassionate. Reading the bible in the language it was written in - Hebrew; the word used for compassionate is 'raham' which is also the word for 'womb'. So when the writers of the bible refer to God as compassionate thy are describing God as womb-like, which is a completely feminine image of God.

With all the discussions going on about women in leadership, surely if God created us in his image both male and female then if we don't have her leadership, if we don't have her wisdom, her voice, her perspective; we are not just missing her, but so much of what is central to the very core of who God is.

The prophet Isaiah wrote in chapter 66 and verse 13 "As a mother comforts her child so will I comfort you". When Isaiah spoke these words, his people didn't know if they had a future, they were full of despair and had little hope. Sound familiar in these times of recession, cuts and job losses? Isaiah was saying, and I believe God is still saying today 'You have seen a mother comfort her child, and this is what God is going to do for you.

God is so much bigger than the language we use; so if then limit his diversity, by saying than some people are second class citizens, then surely it's like cutting off parts of our body?

So my prayer is that you may be able to embrace the God who is way bigger than anything we can say.

This was inspired by one of Rob Bell's Nooma videos called "She". For more information on this and others go to the Nooma web site.

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