Monday, 20 December 2010

ITV to discuss options for 3sixtymedia with Peel

At the end of my previous post I asked...

So it seems to me that ITV will be using the Peel Media studio block for everything except Corrie and the region news. This has got to be good news for Peel but do they have all the capacity to cover all of ITVs studio and post production requirements that they currently have in Quay Street. It is certainly not clear from what has been released today. Anyone at Quay Street shed an light on this?

Well it seems ITV are at least thinking about the issue. This from the Manchester Evening News...

ITV has confirmed that it is in discussion with Peel Media about options for the future of 3sixtymedia – the joint venture technical services operation formed in conjunction with the BBC. Based in Quay Street, Manchester, the company employs 100 people and was formed through the merger of technical staff from the BBC and ITV in 2000. It provides camera crews, sound technicians and lighting expertise for many of the ITV and BBC shows made in Manchester. Having confirmed a move for Coronation Street and other ITV Granada staff to Peel Media's MediaCityUK site at Salford Quays, ITV says that it is as yet unable to spell out exactly what will become of 3sixtymedia and its employees. An ITV spokesman said: “We will continue to produce our core programming from Quay Street in the medium term with 3sixty. In the longer term, ITV plans to take advantage of the shared studios at Media City using 3sixtymedia staff and we will be discussing options with Peel Media.” ITV insist that there is no “question mark” over the jobs of people working at 3sixtymedia and that redundancies are not among the options being considered. Any reduction in head count – or indeed terms and conditions – would be controversial, given that 3sixtymedia's employers are largely made of those transferred from ITV Granada and the BBC in Manchester. One possibility is that 3sixtymedia staff could be merged into Peel Media's new studio business. Joe Livesey, Manchester representative with the broadcasting union, BECTU, said that she currently had no concerns members at 3sixtymedia. We have a good relationship with ITV,” she added.

I am afraid I cannot see how this adds up. Surely Peel have done a deal with SIS to provide the facilities and resources and run the Peel studio block so where will the 3sixtymedia staff fit in? I am surprised that Joe Livesey is not concerned. It seems to me there are too many people for too few jobs in not enough studios and production areas. I do hope I am wrong.

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