Sunday, 26 December 2010

Belief on Radio 3 - a great listen

Even though I edited them I can really recommend all this series of Belief with Joan Bakewell produced by Dawn Bryan that go out on Radio 3 over the next 5 days starting with Chris Patten today.

  1. Lord Patten talks to Joan Bakewell about his Catholic faith.  - Chris Patten tells some wonderful stories including one about his time as Northern Ireland Secretary with his Anglican wife.
  2. Choreographer Akram Khan talks to Joan Bakewell about his Muslim upbringing. Akram is such a gentle soul and I really enjoyed his approach to art and creativity.
  3. Biochemist Denis Alexander talks to Joan Bakewell about his Christian faith and science. - Denis may be a scientist but based on this programme he can run rings round any theologian and his faith is worked out in the grey parts of the world like when doing human stem cell research and the use of embryos.
  4. Ecologist and former monk Satish Kumar talks to Joan Bakewell about his Jain beliefs. - At first I thought Satish was  bonkers with some of the extreme Jain beliefs about not harming animals so needs to work everywhere, but when you strip back some of this more wacky ideas here is a man who clearly cares about the environment and is trying to live his ideas out in reality.
  5. Writer Bonnie Greer talks to Joan Bakwell about what she believes and why.- I just love the sound of her voice, and here experiences in America are well worth a listen.

It is a real shame these won't get a wider audience on Radio 4 perhaps. But with the magic of iPlayer do take a listen if you possibly can.

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